Come by for a visit.

Hours & General Info

Saturday 10-1
Monday-Friday 1-4
Nursery sales & early produce

You are welcome to visit the farm during our open hours. You can peek into the greenhouses, walk around the gardens and amble down our driveway (no cars) to see the chickens and pigs. Buildings are not open to the public.

The homes at the shore are private.

If you plan to stay for a while, consider parking along Balance Rock Rd. or Roberts Cemetery Rd. to ease parking for those making a quick visit.

The farm is not accessible by boat.

Assume all fences are on. Please allow our animals their safe space and remain outside fences at all times.

Reminder: The speed limit is 20 mph on Roberts Cemetery Rd. Once you pass the farm sign, you are on the farm property. Please drive very slowly down the driveway and be on the look out for people, cars, farm vehicles, pets, and wayward chickens. Thank you!


Park either in the grassy area on the left when you first start down the farm driveway, just before the big barn on the left, between the big barn and the yellow farmhouse, or in front of the farm stand building. If all of these parking spots are full, please park along Balance Rock Road or Roberts Cemetery Road.


If you bring your dog, please keep him/her on a leash. While we love animals, we love them more outside than inside the farm store. Pick up your pet’s waste and take it with you. Thank you!